18 Pretty Kitchen Remodel Backsplash Tile Ideas

When it comes to decorating your kitchen it may be difficult to make your designs pop out. Since there are large appliances it can be hard to find a focal point in the room. That does not mean you cannot have your kitchen styled. Having a backsplash can really be an eye opener in any kitchen. Creating a backsplash above your stove or sink is a perfect design solution for your kitchen.

You can create your own backsplash tile design. The tiles can be put in patterns over your stove or sink. It is common for the patterns to be in different colors which brighten the kitchen. Other backsplash tiles can be of murals. These murals will make your kitchen very unique. Say you love flowers; there are many backsplash murals that offer flower themes.

You can find murals with fruits and vegetables, nature, and animals. They can also be custom made for you. Having a backsplash can start your kitchen theme going. You can use the colors found in the backsplash to match with curtains for your kitchen, and even little knickknacks.

If you cannot decide on a certain look, there are common designs to choose from. Old World is one option. It gives a comfortable and cozy feeling to any kitchen. Mediterranean is another theme that people use. The tiles come in different shades of blues and greens which give off a fresh and comfortable look.

One other popular choice is the contemporary design. The backsplash tiles are clean with smooth surfaces and beautiful lines. For an urban feel in the contemporary theme, stainless steel backsplashes are available. Do not be embarrassed and afraid to make your own murals.

If you do not have a lot of free time, there are snap-together backsplashes. They easily install. All that has to be done is screw or nail the base tiles to the wall and then interlock the surrounding tiles around the base tiles. There are many designs to choose from.

Before adding a backsplash to your kitchen you will have to plan ahead.

After selecting the tiles you would like you will have to determine what type of adhesive will work with the specific tile. It is important to check your drywall to make sure it is clean and in good shape. When applying the tiles you will need someone else to help you. It is a good idea to plan ahead and find a partner.

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